Material Reading

(on-going and growing)
lecture performance and dialogue on language-based artistic research
in collaboration with Aleksandra Komsta

Material Reading
is a lecture performance, creating a space for practicing artistic research and using performance as a method of doing so
within the actions and thoughts manifested. It is a dialogue existing within the borders of sharing research and sharing to / as research.
Among auto-theory, exchanged thoughts and literature, our points of departure are processes of asemic writing and heat scanning,
which open up a conversation about language existing outside of words in material and sonic transformation.
While one person does asemic writing, another person reads parts from the written dialogue.

Material Reading researches dialogue by being in dialogue with one another ourselves. A collective correspondence as our approaches
to materiality and iteration of objects enter a dialogue, when to write is to touch and to speak is to iterate. It’s a form of revisited dialogue,
memory of a conversation that becomes something else in the moment of being taken out of its previous familiar environment.

We look upon the materiality of language and how it can manifest itself in other forms than words;
body becomes paper, when to read is to be left with a mark ; a body writes in memory of previous readings,
when other people’s words end up touching one’s own ; text becomes a sound, when the act of writing and speaking is to move.

The performance    becomes a collision of such processes of doing research without one fixed result, but allowing research to stay non-linear
and on-going. Situating knowledge as being relational and giving up upon the idea of claiming knowledge and instead revisiting it and giving
it an auto-theoretical context through correspondence.

The space    moves into an installation in such process, as the dialogue is given a material visual form as it unfolds through
the performance. In the end, each space of a performance is an on-growing archive on its own.

The after-moment    becomes a moment of being in dialogue with the audience itself and extending our reading into a moment of allowing
a multitude of readings to co-exist.